Fort McMurray

This city is the center of the oil industry in Canada. Thousands of workers come from all over the country to find work. The temperatures can drop to as low as -50C during the winter.


Is the capital of New Brunswick, which is the only official bilingual province in Canada. Both English and French are as important. The St. John River runs right through the center of the city. During the winter the river is mostly frozen.

Kirkland Lake

The city is located 800km north of Toronto. The majority of its population arrived during the gold mining era in the beginning of the 20th  century. The families live around the lake, away from the city. During the spring they have to be careful with the hungry bears.

St. Jérôme

Even thought they are right outside the diverse city of Montreal, more than 95% of the population is of European origin. Latinos are less then 1% of the people.

Fort McMurray

This city is the center of the oil industry in Canada. Thousands of workers come from all over the country to find work. The temperatures can drop to as low as -50 degrees Celsius during winter.


Fredericton is the capital of New Brunswick, which is the only official bilingual province in Canada. Both English and French are equally important. The Saint John River runs right through the center of the city. During winter, the river is mostly frozen.

Kirkland Lake

The city is located 800km north of Toronto. The majority of its population arrived during the gold mining era in the beginning of the 20th century. Families live surrounding the lake, away from the city. During spring, they must remain vigilant of hungry bears.

St. Jerome

Though St. Jerome is right outside the diverse city of Montreal, more than 95% of the population is of European origin. Latinos account for less than 1% of the population.